7.2.3. snmp group


snmp group group-name (1|2c|3) (noauth|auth|priv) read-view read-view write-view write-view [notify-view notify-view]

no snmp group group-name security-mode version (1|2c|3)



Specify SNMP group name, and the maximum gth is 30 characters.


Specify the SNMP version.


Specify that no packet authentication is performed.


Specify that no packet authentication without encryption is performed. It is applicable only to the SNMPv3 security mode.


Specify that no packet authentication with encryption is performed. It is applicable only to the SNMPv3 security mode.

read-view read-view

Set the view name that enables configuring the agent, and its maximum length is 30 characters.

write-view write-view

Set the view name that enables viewing only, and its maximum length is 30 characters.

notify-view notify-view

Sets the view name that sends only traps with contents that is included in SNMP view selected for notification.The maximum length is 30 characters.


No group entry is existed.


Global Configuration


To define the SNMP group, use the command snmp group in the Glocal Configuration mode, and use the no form of the command to delete the configuration.

SNMP group configuration is used in the command snmp use to map SNMP users to the SNMP group. These users would be automatically maped to the SNMP views defined in this command. The securety level for SNMP v1 or v2 is always noauth.


The following example adds SNMPv3 group.

Switch(config)# snmp group v3 version 3 auth read-view all write-view all notify-view all